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Could Michelle Obama Be a Surprise Nominee at the 2024 Democratic Convention

by | Sep 23, 2023 at 6:58PM | Politics

Michelle Obama Ted Cruz

Pete Souza, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Amidst the political speculation surrounding the 2024 presidential election, Texas Senator Ted Cruz has raised eyebrows with his recent remarks suggesting that Michelle Obama, former First Lady of the United States, could emerge as a surprise nominee at the 2024 Democratic Convention. While such a scenario might seem far-fetched, Cruz’s comments have ignited discussions about the potential for a last-minute substitution of President Joe Biden by Democratic “kingmakers,” and the factors that make Michelle Obama an attractive option for some within the Democratic Party.

Cruz’s Controversial Claim

On his podcast, ‘Verdict with Ted Cruz,’ the Republican senator outlined a scenario he deemed “most likely and most dangerous.” Cruz suggested that, in August 2024, Democratic power players could decide to replace Joe Biden and “parachute in” Michelle Obama as the party’s presidential nominee. While Cruz’s prediction may be seen as political conjecture, it raises important questions about the state of the Democratic Party and its electoral strategy.

The Appeal of Michelle Obama

Senator Cruz highlighted several reasons why Democratic leaders might consider Michelle Obama a compelling candidate. One significant factor is her enduring popularity among the American electorate. A recent YouGov poll indicated that 77 percent of respondents view her favorably, compared to just 15 percent unfavorably. Her widespread appeal and charisma make her an enticing prospect for a party facing concerns about its current leader.

Moreover, Cruz is not the only one to have speculated about Michelle Obama’s potential candidacy. Conservative commentator Tucker Carlson also mentioned her as a possible replacement nominee earlier this year. This reflects the notion that, given her high favorability ratings and the allure of the “Obama” brand, she could galvanize both the Democratic base and independent voters.

Growing Concerns Over Biden’s Performance

The impetus behind such speculation about replacing Joe Biden stems, in part, from concerns about his performance as President. Critics point to what they perceive as cognitive decline and a series of verbal gaffes, raising questions about his ability to lead effectively.



Biden’s approval ratings have experienced a steady decline, with more Americans disapproving of his performance than approving since August 2021. According to FiveThirtyEight’s poll tracker, his current approval rating stands at -13.3 percent.’s polling from June revealed that nearly half of Democrats believe he is too old for the presidency. Among likely voters from all political affiliations, a significant 71 percent feel he is too old to be president, especially considering that he would be 86 years old at the end of a potential second term.

Furthermore, a majority of all voters, 52 percent, believe they are worse off since Biden assumed office. These figures underscore the concerns within the Democratic Party and among voters at large regarding President Biden’s leadership.

While the idea of Michelle Obama being drafted as a surprise nominee at the 2024 Democratic Convention remains speculative, it is a testament to the uncertainty surrounding American politics. Ted Cruz’s comments have ignited discussions about the Democratic Party’s future and the potential need for a new standard-bearer.

Whether or not Michelle Obama emerges as a viable candidate, her enduring popularity and the concerns surrounding President Biden’s leadership underscore the fluid and unpredictable nature of U.S. politics as the 2024 election approaches. The coming years promise to be a time of intense scrutiny and debate within the Democratic Party as it seeks a path to victory in the next presidential contest.


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